Step Completed: F to L


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "data" : {
    "score" : 100
  "error" : null
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "data" : {
    "score" : 68.5416168559137
  "error" : null

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "input.failed", 
    "message" : "Cannot meet dependent input"

Legacy Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "selfie_id download error"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "doc_photo_id download error"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "data" : {
    "score" : 65.12862836732201
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "The face did not match the document"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "Request is rejected when call 'visionAgent.facematch' action on 'mol-govservices-xxx' node."
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "data" : {
    "score" : 29.98143200143104
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "This person cannot be confirmed as owner of document provided, a selfie with the document will be requested"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "Not enough data to process facematch step"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "Not enough frames for facematch"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "Request timeout"

System Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "SystemError", 
    "code" : "system.internalError", 
    "message" : "Step timeout"


Step Completed

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      "status": 200,
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            "end_date": "2022-10-31",
            "password": null,
            "start_date": "2022-09-01",
            "internalUrl": "http://media-server/media/bank-document/ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffffd",
            "originalFileName": "Sept Oct'22.pdf",
            "url": "

Step Error

"step" : {
   "status" : 200,
   "id" : "financial-information-validation",
   "error" : {
      "type" : "StepError",
      "code" : "node.failed",
      "message" : "Cannot meet dependent node"

System Error

"step" : {
   "status" : 200,
   "id" : "financial-information-validation",
   "error" : {
      "type" : "SystemError",
      "code" : "system.internalError",
      "message" : "Cannot read property 'map' of null"
"step" : {
   "status" : 200,
   "id" : "financial-information-validation",
   "error" : {
      "type" : "SystemError",
      "code" : "system.internalError",
      "message" : "Cannot read property 'name' of null"
        "step" : {
            "status" : 200,
            "id" : "financial-information-validation",
            "data" : {
                "accounts" : [
                        "number" : {
                            "content" : "ffffffffffffffffffffff",
                            "iv" : "ffffffffffffffff"
                        "name" : "Cuenta de Ahorro",
                        "currency" : "COP",
                        "clabe_number" : null,
                        "type" : "CASA",
                        "available_balance" : "19753.26",
                        "current_balance" : "19753.26",
                        "balance" : {
                            "current" : "19753.26",
                            "available" : "19753.26",
                            "date" : "2022-06-29"
                        "transactions_start_date" : "2022-05-31",
                        "transactions_end_date" : "2022-05-31",
                        "transactions" : [
                                "date" : "2022-05-31",
                                "description" : "ABONO INTERESES AHORROS",
                                "amount" : "0.62",
                                "reference" : null,
                                "balance" : null,
                                "type" : null,
                                "oficina" : null,
                                "category" : "UNCATEGORIZED"
                        "insights" : {
                            "balance" : {
                                "avgMonthly" : "19752.85",
                                "highest" : "19753.26",
                                "lowest" : "19752.64"
                            "deposits" : {
                                "topAmount" : "0.62",
                                "topDescription" : "ABONO INTERESES AHORROS",
                                "avgMonthly" : "0.21",
                                "totalMonthly" : {
                                    "2022-04" : "0",
                                    "2022-05" : "0.62",
                                    "2022-06" : "0"
                            "withdrawals" : {
                                "topAmount" : null,
                                "topDescription" : null,
                                "avgMonthly" : null,
                                "totalMonthly" : {
                                    "2022-04" : "0",
                                    "2022-05" : "0",
                                    "2022-06" : "0"
                "consolidatedAccounts" : {
                    "balance" : {
                        "avgMonthly" : "19752.85",
                        "highest" : "19753.26",
                        "lowest" : "19752.64"
                    "deposits" : {
                        "topAmount" : "0.62",
                        "topDescription" : "ABONO INTERESES AHORROS",
                        "avgMonthly" : "0.21",
                        "totalMonthly" : {
                            "2022-04" : "0",
                            "2022-05" : "0.62",
                            "2022-06" : "0"
                    "withdrawals" : {
                        "topAmount" : null,
                        "topDescription" : null,
                        "avgMonthly" : null,
                        "totalMonthly" : {
                            "2022-04" : "0",
                            "2022-05" : "0",
                            "2022-06" : "0"
                "identity" : {
                    "name" : {
                        "content" : "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                        "iv" : "ffffffffffffffff"
                    "client_number" : null,
                    "phone" : null,
                    "taxpayer_id" : null,
                    "emails" : [

                    "email" : null,
                    "address" : null
                "institution" : {
                    "id" : "co_bancolombia",
                    "countryCodes" : [
                    "name" : "Bancolombia",
                    "type" : "Bank"
                "source" : "login"
            "error" : {
                "type" : "SystemError",
                "code" : "system.internalError",
                "message" : "Internal error"
"step" : {
   "status" : 200,
   "id" : "financial-information-validation",
   "error" : {
      "type" : "SystemError",
      "code" : "system.internalError",
      "message" : "The \"data\" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received null"


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "geolocation", 
  "data" : {
    "vpnDetectionEnabled" : false, 
    "ipRestrictionEnabled" : "restriction:visible", 
    "latitude" : 30.000000, 
    "longitude" : 130.000000, 
    "accuracy" : 150,
    "timestamp" :1600000000, 
    "device" : "Win32", 
    "browser" : "Chrome", 
    "platform" : "web_desktop"
  "error" : null

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "geolocation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "node.failed", 
    "message" : "Cannot meet dependent node"


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "guatemalan-tse-validation", 
  "error" : null, 
  "data" : {
    "fullName" : "JOHN DOE "
  "documentType" : "national-id"

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "guatemalan-tse-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "guatemalanTse.notEnoughParams", 
    "message" : "Document Number is not defined"
  "documentType" : "national-id"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "guatemalan-tse-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "guatemalanTse.fullNameMismatch", 
    "message" : "The name in the document and the name in the TSE database do not match"
  "data" : {
    "fullName" : "JOHN DOE, "
  "documentType" : "national-id"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "guatemalan-tse-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "guatemalanTse.notFound", 
    "message" : "No results were found in the TSE database"

System Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "guatemalan-tse-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "SystemError", 
    "code" : "system.internalError", 
    "message" : "Internal error"
  "documentType" : "national-id"


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "indonesian-ktp-validation", 
  "error" : null, 
  "data" : {
    "nik" : "0000000000000000", 
    "nikStatus" : "registered", 
    "name" : "JANE DOE", 
    "nameMatch" : true, 
    "dateOfBirth" : "1990-01-01", 
    "dateOfBirthMatch" : true

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "indonesian-ktp-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "indonesianKTP.fullNameMismatch", 
    "message" : "The name didn’t match to the Dukcapil data"
  "data" : {
    "nik" : "0000000000000000", 
    "nikStatus" : "registered", 
    "name" : "JOHN DOE", 
    "nameMatch" : false, 
    "dateOfBirth" : "1990-01-01", 
    "dateOfBirthMatch" : true
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "indonesian-ktp-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "indonesianKTP.inputNotFound", 
    "message" : "The name didn’t match to the Dukcapil data"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "indonesian-ktp-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "indonesianKTP.notEnoughParams", 
    "message" : "The name didn’t match to the Dukcapil data"


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "ip-validation", 
  "error" : null, 
  "data" : {
    "country" : "Venezuela", 
    "countryCode" : "VE", 
    "region" : "Distrito Federal", 
    "regionCode" : "A", 
    "city" : "Caracas", 
    "zip" : "", 
    "latitude" : 10.5048, 
    "longitude" : -66.9208, 
    "safe" : true

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "ip-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "ip.notFound", 
    "message" : "No ip data found"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "ip-validation", 
  "data" : {
    "country" : "United States", 
    "countryCode" : "US", 
    "region" : "Texas", 
    "regionCode" : "TX", 
    "city" : "McAllen", 
    "zip" : "78505", 
    "latitude" : 26.2034, 
    "longitude" : -98.23, 
    "safe" : true
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "ip.restricted", 
    "message" : "The user is located in restricted region"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "ip-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "ip.notValidParams", 
    "message" : "Parameters validation error!"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "ip-validation", 
  "data" : {
    "country" : "Germany", 
    "countryCode" : "DE", 
    "region" : "Hesse", 
    "regionCode" : "HE", 
    "city" : "Frankfurt am Main", 
    "zip" : "60326", 
    "latitude" : 50.1049, 
    "longitude" : 8.6295, 
    "safe" : false
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "ip.vpnDetected", 
    "message" : "The user is using a VPN/Proxy"

System Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "ip-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "SystemError", 
    "code" : "system.internalError", 
    "message" : "Internal error"


Step Completed

"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenyan-brs-validation",
  "error": null,
  "data": {
    "registrationNumber": "CPR/2010/000000",
    "companyName": "ACME CORPORATION",
    "companyType": "CR13",
    "registrationDate": "2010-01-01",
    "registration_status": true,
    "postalAddress": "40085 - 00100",
    "physicalAddress": "L.R.NO.209/2303 ,  SOMETHING ROAD, L.R.NO.209/2303",
    "phone_number": "+254000000000",
    "kraPIN": "P000000000H",
    "shareCapital": "1000 ORDINARY; ",
    "shareNominalValue": 100.0,
    "shareHolders": [
      "name": "JANE DOE",
      "shares": "2 ORDINARY",
      "idType": "visitor",
      "idNumber": "000000000"
      "name": "JOHN DOE",
      "shares": "5 ORDINARY",
      "idType": "citizen",
      "idNumber": "0000001"

Step Error

"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenyan-brs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyanBRS.notFound",
    "message": "The provided Registration Number wasn't found in the Kenyan BRS"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-brs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyanBRS.invalidStatus",
    "message": "The registration status of the company is invalid"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenyan-brs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyanBRS.fullNameMismatch",
    "message": "The applicant is not from the list of eligible shareholders"
  "data": {
			"registrationNumber": "CPR/2010/000000",
			"companyName": "ACME CORPORATION",
			"companyType": "CR13",
			"registrationDate": "2010-01-01",
			"registration_status": true,
			"postalAddress": "40085 - 00100",
			"physicalAddress": "L.R.NO.209/2303 ,  SOMETHING ROAD, L.R.NO.209/2303",
			"phone_number": "+254000000000",
			"kraPIN": "P000000000H",
			"shareCapital": "1000 ORDINARY",
			"shareNominalValue": 100.0,
			"shareHolders": [
    	"name": "JANE DOE",
	  	"shares": "2 ORDINARY",
			"idType": "visitor",
			"idNumber": "000000000"
	  "name": "JOHN DOE",
		"shares": "5 ORDINARY",
		"idType": "citizen",
		"idNumber": "0000001"
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenyan-brs-validation",
	"error": {
    "severity": "medium",
	  "type": "StepError",
	  "code": "kenyanBRS.notEnoughParams",
	  "message": "Company Registration Number has not been provided"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenyan-brs-validation",
	"error": {
	  "severity": "medium",
	  "type": "StepError",
	  "code": "kenyanBRS.notValidParams",
	  "message": "The provided Company Registration Number or Type are incorrect"
  "data": null

System Error

"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenyan-brs-validation",
	"error": {
	  "severity": "medium",
		"type": "SystemError",
		"code": "system.serviceUnavailable",
	  "message": "Service unavailable"
  "data": null


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" :200, 
  "id" : "kenyan-ecitizen-validation", 
  "error" : null, 
  "data" : {
    "documentNumber" : "00000000, 
    "fullName" : "JOHN DOE",
  "documentType" : "national-id"

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "kenyan-ecitizen-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "kenyanEcitizen.notFound", 
    "message" : "The document number provided was not found in the E-Citizen Database"
  "documentType" : "national-id"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "kenyan-ecitizen-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "kenyanEcitizen.notEnoughParams", 
    "message" : "ID number is not defined"
  "documentType" : "national-id"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "kenyan-ecitizen-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "kenyanEcitizen.fullNameMismatch", 
    "message" : "The name in the document and the name in the E-Citizen database do not match"
  "data" : {
    "documentNumber" : "00000000", 
  "fullName" : "JANE DOE"
  "documentType" : "national-id"

System Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "kenyan-ecitizen-validation", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "SystemError", 
    "code" : "system.internalError", 
    "message" : "Internal error"
  "documentType" : "national-id"


Step Completed

"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-iprs-validation",
  "error": null,
  "data": {
 	  "documentNumber": "00000000",
	  "lastName": "DOE",
    "fullName": "DOE JOHN",
    "dateOfBirth": "01-01-1980",
    "fullNameMatch": true,
    "dobMatch": true

Step Error

"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-iprs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyaIPRS.notFound",
    "message": "The provided Natonal ID wasn't found at National Registration Bureau"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-iprs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyaIPRS.nameMismatch",
    "message": "The name didn’t match to the National Registration Bureau data"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-iprs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyaIPRS.dobMismatch",
    "message": "The date of birth didn’t match to the National Registration Bureau data"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-iprs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyaIPRS.notEnoughParams",
    "message": "Natonal ID number has not been provided"
  "data": null
"step": {
  "status": 200,
  "id": "kenya-iprs-validation",
  "error": {
    "severity": "medium",
    "type": "StepError",
    "code": "kenyaIPRS.notValidParams",
    "message": "The provided Natonal ID number has incorrect format"
  "data": null


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "liveness", 
  "data" : {
    "videoUrl" : "http://media-server/media/video/some-selfie-video.mp4", 
    "spriteUrl" : "http://media-server/media/selfie/some-selfie.jpeg", 
    "selfieUrl" : {
      "media" : "0000000000a000000a00a000", 
      "isUrl" : true
  "error" : null

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "liveness", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "input.failed", 
    "message" : "Cannot meet dependent input"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "liveness", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "node.failed", 
    "message" : "Cannot meet dependent node"

System Error

"step" : {
  "status" :200, 
  "id" : "liveness", 
  "data" : {
    "videoUrl" : "", 
    "spriteUrl" : "", 
    "selfieUrl" : {
      "media" : "00000aaa0000a0000a00a0a0", 
      "isUrl" : true
  "error" : {
    "type" : "SystemError", 
    "code" : "system.internalError", 
    "message" : "Step timeout"

Legacy Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "liveness", 
  "data" : {
    "videoUrl" : "http://media-server/media/video/some-selfie-video.mkv", 
    "spriteUrl" : "http://media-server/media/selfie/some-selfie.jpeg", 
    "selfieUrl" : {
      "media" : "00000z0aaa0a0a000a00a000", 
      "isUrl" : true
  "error" : {
    "type" : "LegacyError", 
    "code" : "legacy.error", 
    "message" : "User did not pass liveness"